New Zealand
Vacation in Paradise     
Clean, green New Zealand
Where exactly is the country of  New Zealand ?

Well - it's down at the bottom of the South Pacific,  1,200 miles east of our nearest neighbor  - Australia  (that's right, we are a different country).  We are well served by many international airlines - and our own Air New Zealand, which has many awards for excellence of service.

Why do we describe New Zealand as Paradise ?
New Zealand has a wonderful `clean green' reputation - there are no large industrial centers, we have little pollution, are totally nuclear free and so far, GM foods or crops are not permitted.  The pace in New Zealand is remakably relaxed and the quality of life is considered second to none.
New Zealand's spectacularly beautiful landscape includes vast mountain chains, steaming volcanoes, sweeping coastlines, deeply indented fiords and lush rainforests.
Comparable in size and/or shape to Great Britain, Colorado or Japan, New Zealand has a population of only 3.8 million - making it one of the world's least crowded countries.  It is a haven for those seeking peace, rejuvenation and relaxation as well as a playground for thrill seekers and adventurers.  A temperate climate with relatively small seasonal variation makes it an ideal year-round holiday destination.
This is where award winning movies such as “The Piano” and “Lord of the Rings” were filmed and also Tom Cruise's “The Last Samurai”.
The US dollar and the UK pound both go a lot further in New Zealand - making it an extremely inexpensive place to visit.  

And by the way - we drive on the left hand side of the road - just like England !

See Useful LInks for the official New Zealand website.
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